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Offline cosplay444  
#1 Gönderildi : 19 Haziran 2020 Cuma 10:25:14(UTC)

Sıralama: Yeni Üye

Madalyalar: Yeni üye: 10

Katılan: 28.5.2020(UTC)
Mesajlar: 32

   In the game, she is the lover of Claude's childhood sweetheart. The two met from an early age. Later, she joined the anti-Shenzhen Avalanche (AVALANCHE) and ran a 7th Heaven on the 7th Street in Midgar. The bar, which is also the secret base of the Avalanche, as well as the 7th Street, was later destroyed by Shenluo, and the new bar was built in the city of Edge in the AC.
   Appearance description: Tiffa has all the images and characteristics of the goddess, the appearance of the angel, the body shape of the devil, all the beautiful features of the oriental women gathered here, especially the long black hair. Tiffa, such an innocent female image appeared in front of us, while admiring the 3D production technology, let our vision also has been fully enjoyed.
   Skills: Tiffa is a master of her craft. She is very strong with her fists, but she also shows great cooking skills and is very good at taking care of others.
   Personality setting: strong personality, independent and gentle, calm personality, calm and considerate, considerate, a fighter whose beautiful and generous appearance hides her incredible strength, she often cares about the people around, hate Shen Luo who takes away their hometown. She has been involved in a radical activity as a member of the "New Avalanche" led by Barrett. She is a childhood friend and a good confidant for Claude. She gave great support to mentally weak Claude. Tiffa is as active as a boy, but in fact her character is very restrained at home. She rarely shows her thoughts. She is more cautious about love. Her feelings about Claude are more subtle and often do not know how to express, but also as she said, it is not only language that can convey emotions.
   In the game, Tiffa is a front-line melee. It is a breakthrough in the female image of the game. Reflecting the unique strength and savvy of women, and is an important member of both strength and mind in the organization.
   COSPLAY is the use of costumes, accessories, props and makeup to portray characters from anime, games and ancient times. People who play COSPLAY are usually called cosplayers.
   in In today's cosplay, the form and content of cosplay generally refers to the use of costumes, trinkets, props and costumes to impersonate characters from acg(anime, comic, game) and certain characters in movies. If cosplayers are present, this area is definitely the mainstream of teenage pop culture.
   If you want to take part in a cosplay activity, you need to know who you will cosplay. If you are a fan of Tiffa and want to be a cosplayer of her, you should find a suitable cosplay costume for yourself. This is not easy.
   If you have not much time to search for the costume you need, or youneed to save your money, you can buy the costume on online. cosplay costumes store so, QualityCosplay will be a good choice. The costumes here always can meet the customers' satisfaction. You can buy at the store without any worry.
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